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Stay safe with “Safe&Clean”

Guests are paying more attention to cleanliness and safety than they ever did before - and now you can show them that it’s very important to you, too.

We from Safe&Clean have adapted our standards to continue to provide your guests with the best service, also and particularly under such difficult and challenging circumstances in times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In order to protect the health and safety of your customers and employees, we have introduced enhanced cleaning control protocols that are tailored to the extensive cleaning and hygiene standards. 

Partnered with experts in health and hospitality this enhanced cleaning protocol  helps support the hosts and the hospitality as travel evolves.

Discover our program "Safe & Clean"

Safe&Clean is very much aware that events related to the COVID-19 corona virus and the intense amount of information it is generating, requires us to make an extra effort regarding transparency, openness and proximity with respect to everyone who has placed its trust in the Caribbean as a premier tourist destination.

Given the extraordinary situation created by Covid-19, Safe&Clean has devised an operational transformation strategy based on the following premises:

  • Safety for employees, hosts and customers /guests
  • Reduced contact in interactions between hosts, guests and employees
  • Optimisation of operational processes, simplifying and digitalising the service
  • Adaptation of holiday business in the Caribbean to new paradigms and customer, hosts /guest needs

Based on these principles and in accordance to the recommendations of the Health Authorities, new cleaning, hygiene and social distancing measures have been developed to allow the business of our touristic companies to offer their services on a basis of confidence and safety.

We are here to help our Members!

Hosts who commit to our standard can add the Safe & Clean label as a special highlight on their online listing page.

It's going to be different for everyone. People's expectations of "normal" have changed, and getting "back" will require planning, and above all else practicing safety and cleanliness. Make sure your staff expectations of a safe and clean work are met.

For your guests, this is going to be a brave new world. People aren't going to travel unless they feel safe! When guests see you are a Safe & Clean member, they will know you’ve agreed to follow an enhanced cleaning routine and implemented hygiene and protective measures. That is just what guests need to feel comfortable and secure to book your facility.

Government officials and policymakers are focusing on cleaning practices like never before in an effort to protect their communities.

Our cleaning guide will provide ideas and concepts for guest and employees considerations, safety and cleaning suggestions and finally cleaning guidance.

We help you inform your guests of the new standards you have agreed to follow an improved cleaning and sanitization routine.

Congratulations to the "SAFE & CLEAN" members who have been approved as Safe & Clean certified.

Get Bookings  -  Fulfil
all Requirements of the Safe & Clean Label Certificate

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