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 Welcome to Safe & Clean 
Staying in a safe & clean space is the top priority for guests!

The Coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting many in the Caribbean, whether personally or because of disruptions to their hosting or travel plans. The key is to set up your cleaning and health protection provision for success, so every guest arrival is consistently up to standard.

Considering the widespread concern in the resumption of economic and social activity as soon as the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic allows, Safe & Clean created for the hosts the “Safe & Clean”  label of approval.

This label distinguishes travel industry activities which are compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements  of  Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and other possible infections.

Minimize the impact of this pandemic to your lodging business or any other business related to the tourism industry.
Promote your accommodation everywhere with the "Safe & Clean" label and reassure guests and secure future bookings as "Safe & Clean" Certified member ! The label attests that the quality and performance of your services have been validated by independent accredited experts.

Guests care about cleanliness!  

  Discover how the "Safe & Clean" label certification reassures your guests!

Get Bookings  -  Fulfil
all Requirements of the Safe & Clean Label Certificate

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